
First week of my break is over, one more week to go.

So... after one week, what have I accomplished?

Lets take a short look:

1) Failed to kill Tigerex in Monster Hunter Freedom 2. but went to elder rank 4 anyway.

2) Got Black Getter Revoltech for only 24 bucks at CSC. Hell yeah.

3) Shat gigantic bricks upon watching Gurren Lagann 26.

4) Bought Armorhide, but his play factor is limited by his simplicity in transformation and size.

5) Went searching for a reasonably priced bumblebee 08, only to miss the OG exclusive 2 pack and finding the lowest price of 50 dollars at CSC. Didnt bother buying because of the different variations to come in the next few months.

Not really accomplishments, but at least its better than sleeping for an entire week.

-_-) I really need to get off my ass and find a job, but there's only 1 more week till school starts anyway.

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